Nice water.

i think it's perfect picture. good angel and nice picture. so special.

Nice leaf make me hopeful

pattern of an interesting photo, the shooting positions that fit perfectly and produces incredible images.

Perfect color.

a combination of colors, makes everyone involved feel carried away in an exciting atmosphere in a way to deceive the eye.

Beautiful flower.

beauty of color and shape make people spellbound. color represents that he has a quiet personality but clever.

One for all. all for one

we are one, even though we were separated but we are still one, one soul, one mind, one heart, one flavor, and one meaning.

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

video resti dan sri lompat harimau HAHA :D


hari ini pulang sekolah udah usaha buat kabur ekskul, eh sialnya kedapetan temen, jadi terpaksa ekskul dulu. Dari awal aku udah ada firasat buruk tapi ga terlalu dipikirin juga sih. Sampe diruangan tempat biasa ngumpul ekskul, disuruh nunggu sampe kakak kakak kelas 12 selesai foto alkena. Dapet kabar kami dibolehin pulang jam setengah 3, karna ada pembicaraan soal pengukuhan. Pembicaraan soal pengukuhan pun hanya berlangsung ga lebih dari 10 menit
Kakak kelas 12 udah selesai foto alkena, semuanya kumpul. Tiba tiba kakak kelas ngajak main games, ga tau apaan itu nama gamesnya, semua junior kelas 10 disuruh berdiri semua didepan, semua ditutup matanya pake selendang. Entah tadi aku dibawa kemana sama kakak kelas dgn mata tertutup, aku disuruh berdiri. Disitu kepala udah puyeng setengah mati karna gelap, denger suara orang bentak bentak, rame kayak pasar (bahkan lebih), dan aku ga tahan dengan keadaan seperti itu karna aku punya penyakit vertigo.
Sedikit aku jelasin tentang vertigo, vertigo itu kerusakan pada saraf keseimbangan, gejalanya suka pusing kalo ngeliat benda bergerak beriringan (contohnya kalo lagi ngeliat mobil/motor yg banyak lgi jalan), pusing kalo denger suara beriringan, pusing kalo kita bergerak tiba tiba (itu semua yg aku alami)
kembali ke cerita, Karena aku puyeng ga tertahankan pada saat itu, aku masih dibentak, dan mungkin emang mental aku yg cemen, belom lama dibentak udah nangis duluan. Untungnya Kak Ilma yg baik hati bawak aku ke luar ruangan, jadi akunya sedikit tenang. Walaupun sedikit malu karna punya mental yg cemen, baru sebentar udah nangis, yaaah itu jadi pengalaman yg mengesankan. Thank you buat kakak kakak yg terlibat tadi :D

*games tersebut bertujuan untuk melatih mental supaya ga menye menye


Don't go to bed yet, love
I think it's too early
and we just need a little time to ourselves
If my wall clock tells me that it's 4 in the morning, I'll give it hell

Cause I've been trying way too long to try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn't have to bare alone

So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you

The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read aloud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'

And sing for me softly love,
Your song for tomorrow
And tell me my name's the one that's hidden in there somewhere
And dream for me anything
but dream it in color about
We know the sun's still rising and we don't care

Cause I've been trying way too long to try and be the perfect song
When our hearts are heavy burdens
We shouldn't have to bare alone

So goodnight you and goodnight moon
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you

The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feelings we sing about
Sit in our bedrooms and read aloud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
From 'Goodnight Moon'

And there you were, as I saw my Juliet
Come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room
And steal the air

Just feel her lips lock on to every breath I take
And breathe it in
Do you feel us falling?
Cause I feel us falling

So goodnight moon and goodnight you
When you're all that I think about
All that I dream about
How'd I ever breathe without, a goodnight kiss from goodnight you

The kind of hope they all talk about
The kind of feeling we sing about
Sit in our bedroom and read out loud, like a passage from 'Goodnight Moon'
Oh goodnight moon

And there you were,I saw my Juliet
Come graceful down the stairs
It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room
And steal the air

Taylor Lautner (з´⌣`ε)